So, I haven't posted for a while and I can only hope that I remember everything I've read over the summer/autumn. I will try to post in chronological order.
So, the last Harry Potter. Here are my scattered thoughts. It was... good. Lot's of loose ends were tied. I loved (SPOILER ALERT)the way they brought Percy back into the fold. Hermione's tent/evening bag was wonderful candy for the imagination.
Harry's a really dark character, isn't he? I hope after the whole Voldemort thing he was able to lighten up a bit and get a sense of humor.
I also read the first one (to my son, out loud). Reading it out loud was fun, but I got a bit tired of explaining why at age 5 he wasn't ready for books 2-7. Truthfully I didn't think he was ready for the first one, but you pick your battles.
So, all that explanation to say: I loved the continuity with Griphook in book one. I also read book six because I couldn't remember what the heck a horcrux was, and why it was so important. So, all in all it was quite a Harry Potter summer!